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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 926-930.

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Polarization Switch Based on Graphene Metamaterial

ZHU Yu-guang;SUN Wen-wen;FANG Yun-tuan   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: In order to design tunable optical switch, a compound structure composed of one-dimensional photonic crystal and graphene metamaterial is designed.The transmission properties of the designed structure are studied through transfer matrix method.The absorption and anisotropy of graphene metamaterial lead that the transmission is dependent on the polarization direction.Through the rotation of polarization direction, the transmittance and absorption can be dynamically adjusted, and the total transformation from the transmission to reflection or absorption can be also achieved.

Key words: In order to design tunable optical switch, a compound structure composed of one-dimensional photonic crystal and graphene metamaterial is designed.The transmission properties of the designed structure are studied through transfer matrix method.The absorption and anisotropy of graphene metamaterial lead that the transmission is dependent on the polarization direction.Through the rotation of polarization direction, the transmittance and absorption can be dynamically adjusted, and the total transformation from the transmission to reflection or absorption can be also achieved.

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