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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1021-1025.

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Influence of Hydrothermal Conditions on PZT Ceramic Powder Synthesized by Sol-Hydrothermal Method

HU Yan-hua;SONG Yan;LI-Lu;DING Bo-ming;YANG Yong-bing;JI Yao-wu   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: PbZr1-xTixO3 anti-ferroelectric ceramic powder with perovskite structure were synthesized by sol-hydrothermal method, and the influence of hydrothermal reaction temperatures and reaction times on crystallization, crystalline, microstructure were discussed.Experimental results illustrate that with the increasing of hydrothermal temperature T1 or the prolonging of hydrothermal reaction time τ1, the products of sol hydrothermal reaction is gradually change from amorphous to crystalline.When T1 is 180 ℃ and τ1 is 18 h, PZT ceramic powder with cubic morphology and perovskite structure are prepared.XRD diffraction peak of the PZT ceramic powder is enhance and the peak position is unchange when T1 is prolonge or τ1 is prolong.However, the particle size of PZT powder increase obviously when T1 increase and slightly increase by prolonging τ1.Therefore, the optimum hydrothermal conditions for the synthesis of PZT antiferroelectric ceramic powders by sol hydrothermal method in this experimental are ascertained as follows: the hydrothermal reaction temperature is 180 ℃ and the reaction time is 18 h.

Key words: PbZr1-xTixO3 anti-ferroelectric ceramic powder with perovskite structure were synthesized by sol-hydrothermal method, and the influence of hydrothermal reaction temperatures and reaction times on crystallization, crystalline, microstructure were discussed.Experimental results illustrate that with the increasing of hydrothermal temperature T1 or the prolonging of hydrothermal reaction time τ1, the products of sol hydrothermal reaction is gradually change from amorphous to crystalline.When T1 is 180 ℃ and τ1 is 18 h, PZT ceramic powder with cubic morphology and perovskite structure are prepared.XRD diffraction peak of the PZT ceramic powder is enhance and the peak position is unchange when T1 is prolonge or τ1 is prolong.However, the particle size of PZT powder increase obviously when T1 increase and slightly increase by prolonging τ1.Therefore, the optimum hydrothermal conditions for the synthesis of PZT antiferroelectric ceramic powders by sol hydrothermal method in this experimental are ascertained as follows: the hydrothermal reaction temperature is 180 ℃ and the reaction time is 18 h.

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