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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1064-1071.

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Mechanism Study on Size Effects of Cluster Implantation on Silicon

WEI Ye;ZHOU Bing;SANG Sheng-bo;DENG Xiao;CHAI Jing;CHEN Ze-hua;ZHANG Wen-dong   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Si cluster implantation was investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.Cluster ions'' motion was systematically investigated and compared, specifically its whole trajectory is tracked: scattering, irradiation and penetration.Subsequent long-time scale evolution of morphology on substrate surface was also monitored with visualized method.The established model straightforwardly reveals a range of novel features in low incident energy range.During the implantation, the cluster is composing variable numbers of atoms.The effect of size variations on the implantation process was examined to investigate the regime of motion of cluster.Simulation results indicate that the presented approach could be used to quantitatively predict the implanted cluster ions'' distribution.Our work could serve as references on generating surface feature of substrate materials or designing pattern in atomic scale and provide theoretical guidelines for controllable surface modification technique.

Key words: Si cluster implantation was investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation.Cluster ions'' motion was systematically investigated and compared, specifically its whole trajectory is tracked: scattering, irradiation and penetration.Subsequent long-time scale evolution of morphology on substrate surface was also monitored with visualized method.The established model straightforwardly reveals a range of novel features in low incident energy range.During the implantation, the cluster is composing variable numbers of atoms.The effect of size variations on the implantation process was examined to investigate the regime of motion of cluster.Simulation results indicate that the presented approach could be used to quantitatively predict the implanted cluster ions'' distribution.Our work could serve as references on generating surface feature of substrate materials or designing pattern in atomic scale and provide theoretical guidelines for controllable surface modification technique.

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