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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 1400-1407.

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Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite/Activated Carbon Composites Adsorbents and Its Absorption Property for Fluoride

LIN Hao;HU Jia-peng;MU Ji-lin;RAO Rui-ye;LIU Rui-lai;WU Dai-she   

  • Online:2017-07-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Hydroxyapatite/activated carbon (HAP/AC) composites adsorbents were fabricated by blend with hydroxyapatite and activated carbon following activation and calcination.The effects of the HAP/AC mass ratio, polyvinyl acetate concentration, calcination time and temperature on adsorption efficiency were investigated.The results show that the optimal conditions were happened in HAP/AC (mass ratio) 4∶1, PVA concentration 3wt;, calcination temperature 350 ℃ and calcination time 3.5 h, producing fluoride adsorption efficiency to 70.69;.The adsorption property of HAP/AC adsorbents toward simulative fluoride waste water by static adsorption and dynamic column adsorption were investigated, moreover the mechanism of the adsorption process was determined.The results show that the fitness of adsorption data by Langmuir model is superior to Freundlich model.Surface monolayer adsorption are dominated in the adsorption of fluoride, and active center with ion-exchange capacity play a leading role in adsorption process.At last, field studies were carried out with the fluoride containing water sample collected from a fluoride-endemic area in order to test the suitability of the adsorbents at field conditions.

Key words: Hydroxyapatite/activated carbon (HAP/AC) composites adsorbents were fabricated by blend with hydroxyapatite and activated carbon following activation and calcination.The effects of the HAP/AC mass ratio, polyvinyl acetate concentration, calcination time and temperature on adsorption efficiency were investigated.The results show that the optimal conditions were happened in HAP/AC (mass ratio) 4∶1, PVA concentration 3wt;, calcination temperature 350 ℃ and calcination time 3.5 h, producing fluoride adsorption efficiency to 70.69;.The adsorption property of HAP/AC adsorbents toward simulative fluoride waste water by static adsorption and dynamic column adsorption were investigated, moreover the mechanism of the adsorption process was determined.The results show that the fitness of adsorption data by Langmuir model is superior to Freundlich model.Surface monolayer adsorption are dominated in the adsorption of fluoride, and active center with ion-exchange capacity play a leading role in adsorption process.At last, field studies were carried out with the fluoride containing water sample collected from a fluoride-endemic area in order to test the suitability of the adsorbents at field conditions.

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