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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1436-1441.

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Structure and Properties of Novel Mulit-functional Crystal Cd4TbO(BO3)3

JIA Li-sha;ZHAO Ying;TU Heng;HU Zhang-gui   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: A new cadmium-rare earth (Tb) oxyborate Cd4TbO(BO3)3 was synthesized through high-temperature solid-state reaction in platinum crucibles and its crystal was successfully grown using NaF-B2O3 as flux.Single crystal X-ray diffraction exhibits that Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group of Cm with unit cell parameters a=7.982(1) (A), b=15.806(3) (A), c=3.487(7) (A), α =90°, β=100.57°, γ=90°.The IR and Raman spectra indicate that (BO3) is the only anion group in the Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystal.Furthermore, the UV-vis-NIR reflectance spectrum indicates that the transmittance of Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystal in the range of 500-1500 nm is greater than 70;.The content of Tb is 4.624×1021/cm3 per unit volume of crystal 0.3 times of the content of Tb per unit volume of TGG crystal, suggesting that Cd4TbO(BO3)3 is a fairly promising mulit-functional crystal.

Key words: A new cadmium-rare earth (Tb) oxyborate Cd4TbO(BO3)3 was synthesized through high-temperature solid-state reaction in platinum crucibles and its crystal was successfully grown using NaF-B2O3 as flux.Single crystal X-ray diffraction exhibits that Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group of Cm with unit cell parameters a=7.982(1) (A), b=15.806(3) (A), c=3.487(7) (A), α =90°, β=100.57°, γ=90°.The IR and Raman spectra indicate that (BO3) is the only anion group in the Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystal.Furthermore, the UV-vis-NIR reflectance spectrum indicates that the transmittance of Cd4TbO(BO3)3 crystal in the range of 500-1500 nm is greater than 70;.The content of Tb is 4.624×1021/cm3 per unit volume of crystal 0.3 times of the content of Tb per unit volume of TGG crystal, suggesting that Cd4TbO(BO3)3 is a fairly promising mulit-functional crystal.

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