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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1604-1607.

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Research and Application on Montmorillonite-based Biofunctional Nanocomposite

SHEN Ke-xuan;LIN Sen;SUN Shi-yong   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Research on theory and application of biofunctional nanocompsite has become a focus attention.It is a new interdisciplinary frontier in life science and material science.Clay mineral is a kind of natural silicate minerals with nano structure and it has been widely used due to specific characteristics of layered structure.Its particular structure leds to it has the characteristics of strong adsorption capacity, excellent stability and wide application.The present paper mainly focuses on summarizing montmorillonite-based biofunctional nanocomposite and their applications in the fields of enzymatic catalysis, antibacterial, medicine and environmental protection.The prospects of development of clay mineral-based functional nanocomposites were discussed.

Key words: Research on theory and application of biofunctional nanocompsite has become a focus attention.It is a new interdisciplinary frontier in life science and material science.Clay mineral is a kind of natural silicate minerals with nano structure and it has been widely used due to specific characteristics of layered structure.Its particular structure leds to it has the characteristics of strong adsorption capacity, excellent stability and wide application.The present paper mainly focuses on summarizing montmorillonite-based biofunctional nanocomposite and their applications in the fields of enzymatic catalysis, antibacterial, medicine and environmental protection.The prospects of development of clay mineral-based functional nanocomposites were discussed.

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