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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1631-1634.

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Effect of Different Solvents on the Crystallization Properties of Cordierite Powders

LIU Zhen-ying;MA Xiao-li;GUO Zheng-han;LI Jie;XIE Li-na;LIU Yin   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Cordierite powders was synthesized by liquid-phase method using TEOS, magnesium and aluminum salts as raw materials.The effects of different solvents and pH value on the crystallization properties of the cordierite powders were characterized by means of DTA-TGA and XRD measurements.The results show that using water as solvent, solution pH value is 4, the cordierite powders sintered at about 1000 ℃ of diffraction pattern is relatively smooth, that phase of μ-cordierite and magnesia alumina spinel occured at 1000 ℃, μ-cordierite and magnesia alumina spinel of diffraction peak intensity begin to decrease at 1200 ℃.The formation of α-cordierite start at 1200 ℃, μ-cordierite phase disappeare, while α-cordierite of peak intensity increase at 1250 ℃, μ-cordierite to α-cordierite transformation is fully completed at 1350 ℃.

Key words: Cordierite powders was synthesized by liquid-phase method using TEOS, magnesium and aluminum salts as raw materials.The effects of different solvents and pH value on the crystallization properties of the cordierite powders were characterized by means of DTA-TGA and XRD measurements.The results show that using water as solvent, solution pH value is 4, the cordierite powders sintered at about 1000 ℃ of diffraction pattern is relatively smooth, that phase of μ-cordierite and magnesia alumina spinel occured at 1000 ℃, μ-cordierite and magnesia alumina spinel of diffraction peak intensity begin to decrease at 1200 ℃.The formation of α-cordierite start at 1200 ℃, μ-cordierite phase disappeare, while α-cordierite of peak intensity increase at 1250 ℃, μ-cordierite to α-cordierite transformation is fully completed at 1350 ℃.

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