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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1735-1739.

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Effect of La3 +Doping on the Microstructures and Dielectric Properties of Ca1 -xLaxCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics

LI Wang;LUO Zhe;TANG Lu;XUE Fei;GUO Peng   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: CaCu3 Ti4 O12 ( CCTO ) ceramics doped by La 3+ were prepared by the solid state reaction method.The phase structures , microstructures, and dielectric properties of the Ca 1-x Lax Cu3 Ti4 O12 ( x=0;, 1;, 3;, 5;, 7;) ceramics were investigated .The mechanism of influence of La 3+doping on the dielectric properties of CCTO ceramics was analyzed .The results show when x is 3;, secondary phases appear , when x is higher than 5;, the ceramic grains become smaller , La3+doping remarkably increases the dielectric constant of CaCu 3 Ti4 O12 ceramics, and the dielectric loss also becomes lower than undoped CaCu 3 Ti4 O12 ceramics over the high frequency range , which improved the general dielectric properties of CCTO ceramics .

Key words: CaCu3 Ti4 O12 ( CCTO ) ceramics doped by La 3+ were prepared by the solid state reaction method.The phase structures , microstructures, and dielectric properties of the Ca 1-x Lax Cu3 Ti4 O12 ( x=0;, 1;, 3;, 5;, 7;) ceramics were investigated .The mechanism of influence of La 3+doping on the dielectric properties of CCTO ceramics was analyzed .The results show when x is 3;, secondary phases appear , when x is higher than 5;, the ceramic grains become smaller , La3+doping remarkably increases the dielectric constant of CaCu 3 Ti4 O12 ceramics, and the dielectric loss also becomes lower than undoped CaCu 3 Ti4 O12 ceramics over the high frequency range , which improved the general dielectric properties of CCTO ceramics .

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