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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1759-1761.

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Preparation and Photoluminescence Investigation of Sr3 Lu( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+Phosphors

WANG Li-juan;YANG Xiao-zhan;MA Shi-zhang;WU Jia-ping   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Sr3 Lu( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+phosphor was successfully synthesized by the high-temperature solid-phase method.The crystal structure , surface morphology and photoluminescence spectra of Sr 3 Lu( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+phosphor were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and spectroscopic techniques , respectively .The research results show that the synthesis of Sr 3 Lu ( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+has a cubic I43d space group structure , and the surface of particles is irregular .The strongest photoluminescent wavelength is 444 nm, and the strongest emission wavelength is 610 nm.The emission light is red .When the doping concentration is 1 mol;, the sample has the best luminous effect .

Key words: Sr3 Lu( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+phosphor was successfully synthesized by the high-temperature solid-phase method.The crystal structure , surface morphology and photoluminescence spectra of Sr 3 Lu( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+phosphor were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and spectroscopic techniques , respectively .The research results show that the synthesis of Sr 3 Lu ( PO4 ) 3:Pr3+has a cubic I43d space group structure , and the surface of particles is irregular .The strongest photoluminescent wavelength is 444 nm, and the strongest emission wavelength is 610 nm.The emission light is red .When the doping concentration is 1 mol;, the sample has the best luminous effect .

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