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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1858-1863.

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Research on Preparation of Light-weight and High-intensity Ceramsites with Shangluo Vanadium Tailings

ZHAO Wei;WANG Bin-yu;ZHOU Chun-sheng;ZHANG Guo-chun;HAN Xi   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The lightweight high-intensity ceramsites were prepared with 80wt; Shangluo vanadium tailings as main raw materials, adding potassium feldspar and clay .SiC powders are used as foaming agent .The influence of vanadium tailings content , SiC content , sintering temperature and holding time on structure and properties of ceramsites was studied , respectively .The results show that the bulk density and compressive strength of ceramsites are reduced with SiC content increasing , sintering temperature enhancing and holding time extending .The light-weight and high-intensity ceramsites are sintered at 1125℃for 30 min with SiC content of 2wt;.The bulk density of the ceramsites is 631 kg/m3 .The compressive strength is 9.1 MPa, and the water absorption is 3.1;.

Key words: The lightweight high-intensity ceramsites were prepared with 80wt; Shangluo vanadium tailings as main raw materials, adding potassium feldspar and clay .SiC powders are used as foaming agent .The influence of vanadium tailings content , SiC content , sintering temperature and holding time on structure and properties of ceramsites was studied , respectively .The results show that the bulk density and compressive strength of ceramsites are reduced with SiC content increasing , sintering temperature enhancing and holding time extending .The light-weight and high-intensity ceramsites are sintered at 1125℃for 30 min with SiC content of 2wt;.The bulk density of the ceramsites is 631 kg/m3 .The compressive strength is 9.1 MPa, and the water absorption is 3.1;.

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