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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1138-1148.

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Research Progress and Application of Boron-Doped Diamond Film

ZHENG Yu, ZHANG Yi, TONG Yaqi, XUAN Zhenwu   

  1. Beijing Sinoma Synthetic Crystals Co., Ltd., Beijing 100018, China
  • Received:2021-02-24 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-07-08

Abstract: On the basis of maintaining the excellent properties of diamond, such as high hardness, high stability and good biocompatibility, boron-doped diamond has the characteristics of semiconductor and even low temperature superconductivity, as well as wide electrochemical potential window and low background current. At present, boron-doped diamond film is recognized as an excellent electrochemical electrode material. In order to optimize the performance of boron doped diamond film and expand its application space, a lot of researches focus on boron doping, micro-morphology control of boron-doped diamond film, and surface modification of boron-doped diamond film, and so on. Based on the understanding of the structure of boron-doped diamond, this paper reviews the research progress of its electrical and electrochemical properties, and expounds its main preparation methods. This paper also analyze the application status and prospect of boron-doped diamond film as electrodes in sterilization, wastewater treatment, supercapacitors, biosensors and other fields.

Key words: boron-doped diamond, electrode, electrochemical oxidation, supercapacitor, biosensor

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