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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2023, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (10): 1816-1821.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preparation and Luminescence Properties of LaNbO4∶Dy3+, Ca2+ Phosphors

LU Qin, FANG Chuanli, WANG You, WU Dongni, WANG Yujie, LOU Chenglong   

  1. School of Physics and Electronic Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550025, China
  • Received:2023-03-12 Published:2023-10-18

Abstract: To improve the luminescence property of blue-green phosphors, the conventional high-temperature solid-phase method was used to synthesize LaNbO4∶Dy3+ and LaNbO4∶Dy3+,Ca2+ phosphors in this paper. The XRD, fluorescence spectra and CIE chromaticity coordinates of the samples were tested to investigate the effects of Dy3+ doping and Dy3+,Ca2+ co-doping on the performance of niobate phosphors. The results show that the diffraction peaks of LaNbO4∶Dy3+ as well as LaNbO4∶Dy3+,Ca2+ phosphors all match the diffraction peaks of standard card. The excitation spectra of the samples are composed of two broadband excitation peaks and a series of sharp excitation peaks, the strongest excitation peaks of LaNbO4∶Dy3+ and LaNbO4∶Dy3+,Ca2+ are 387 and 472 nm, respectively. Under excitation at a wavelength of 387 nm, the strongest emission peaks of the sample are 575 and 477 nm, respectively. The best luminescence intensity is obtained when the concentration of Dy3+doping is 0.05. When Dy3+ and Ca2+ are co-doped, the sample has the best luminescence property when the concentration of Ca2+ is 0.05. Through the color card coordinates, it can be observed that LaNbO4∶Dy3+,Ca2+ is more concentrated in the blue-green region than LaNbO4∶Dy3+,which shows that Dy3+ and Ca2+ co-doped LaNbO4 have better luminescence effect, and the co-doped samples show more stable luminescence property, indicating that the phosphor is a more stable blue-green phosphor that can be excited by UV light.

Key words: phosphor, rare earth niobate, high temperature solid state method, luminescence property, co-doping, blue-green light

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