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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 322-328.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Luminescence Properties of Non-Rare Earth Activated Thermal Stability Blue-Violet Zn3B2O6∶Bi3+ Phosphor

SHENG Xingxing, LYU Jinbin, XIAO Feng   

  1. School of Biomedical Engineering, Xinjiang Second Medical College, Karamay 834000, China
  • Received:2023-08-28 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-02-04

Abstract: The rapid development of modern completely artificial light-controlled plant growth requires the light source increasingly stringent. Blue-violet phosphor with high luminous intensity and good thermal stability is the key material for plant growth. Herein, narrow-band blue-violet Zn3B2O6xBi3+ (0≤x≤0.03) phosphor with excellent thermal stability was synthesized by solid-state reaction. The results of XRD and energy spectra analysis show that Bi3+ successfully entered Zn3B2O6 lattice. The fluorescence spectrum of Zn3B2O6∶Bi3+ phosphor shows narrow-band blue-violet light at 430 nm (3P1~1S0), and the full width at half maximum is only 56 nm. The optimal Bi3+ doping concentration is 0.02. According to the excitation spectrum shape and the lifetime decay behavior, it is proved that Bi3+ only occupies Zn sites in Zn3B2O6. The emission peak intensity and integrated area of Zn3B2O6∶0.02Bi3+ phosphor at 423 K are both 85% of those at room temperature, indicating that the sample has excellent thermal stability and may have potential application in high-temperature devices. The emission spectrum of Zn3B2O6∶0.02Bi3+ phosphor accounts for 70.4% and 84.6% of the absorption spectra (370~525 nm) of chlorophyll a/b, respectively, indicating the potential application of as-prepared blue-violet phosphors in the field of plant growth.

Key words: Zn3B2O6, thermal stability, blue-violet phosphor, Bi3+, luminescent material, plant growth

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