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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 404-409.

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Crystal Growth of Trans-stilbene by Solution Cooling Method

REN Ji-qi;CHANG Xin-an;CHEN Xue-an;XIAO Wei-qiang;ZHANG Ming-rong   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The crystalline habit, solubility and metastable zone of trans-stilbene (TSB) in organic solvents had been observed and measured.TSB crystal were grown from the corresponding solutions by temperature reduction technique within 50-30 ℃, and the centimeter-size crystals obtained had high transparency.The measurements of the XRD and the UV-NIR transmission, absorption and UV fluorescence spectra of the crystal show that the alternation of the growth solvents doesn't lead any effect on the crystal structure property, the transmittance of the crystal is more than 80; in the wavelength range of 410-1000 nm, but there is absorption in the range of 200-360 nm, and a strong fluorescence emission peak appears at 386 nm by the action of exciting light of 272.8 nm on the crystal.

Key words: The crystalline habit, solubility and metastable zone of trans-stilbene (TSB) in organic solvents had been observed and measured.TSB crystal were grown from the corresponding solutions by temperature reduction technique within 50-30 ℃, and the centimeter-size crystals obtained had high transparency.The measurements of the XRD and the UV-NIR transmission, absorption and UV fluorescence spectra of the crystal show that the alternation of the growth solvents doesn't lead any effect on the crystal structure property, the transmittance of the crystal is more than 80; in the wavelength range of 410-1000 nm, but there is absorption in the range of 200-360 nm, and a strong fluorescence emission peak appears at 386 nm by the action of exciting light of 272.8 nm on the crystal.

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