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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 1709-1714.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


李强, 皇甫战彪, 李海宁, 董兴邦, 朱祥, 郝蕴琦, 王征   

  1. 郑州轻工业大学物理与电子工程学院,河南省磁电信息功能材料重点实验室,郑州 450002
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-19 出版日期:2021-09-15 发布日期:2021-10-15
  • 通信作者: 王 征,博士,副教授。E-mail:2002020@zzuli.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:李 强(1978—),男,河南省人,实验师。E-mail:deuschchn@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Fluorescence Properties of α- and β-BiNbO4∶Eu3+

LI Qiang, HUANGFU Zhanbiao, LI Haining, DONG Xingbang, ZHU Xiang, HAO Yunqi, WANG Zheng   

  1. Henan Key Laboratory of Magnetoelectric Information Functional Materials, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China
  • Received:2021-05-19 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-10-15

摘要: 采用高温固相法合成出正交相和三斜相结构的BiNbO4∶Eu3+样品,利用X 射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱、吸收光谱和荧光光谱对样品的结构和光学性能进行了研究。结果表明:900 ℃合成样品为正交相结构α-BiNbO4,而1 200 ℃得到三斜相结构β-BiNbO4。吸收光谱得到α相和β相BiNbO4的光学带隙分别为2.69 eV和2.96 eV,与第一性原理的理论结果2.640 eV和3.032 eV相吻合。Eu3+掺杂诱导二者的光学带隙蓝移至2.89 eV和3.05 eV,有效改变了其光响应范围。荧光光谱表明:Eu3+在两种结构的最强荧光峰均来自5D07F2电偶极跃迁,最强荧光峰分别位于615 nm和611 nm。Eu3+在β-BiNbO4中的荧光强度更高,而且其5D07F25D07F1的荧光强度比值更大。与Eu3+相似,Er3+在β-BiNbO4中具有更高的上转换荧光强度,其强度约是在α-BiNbO4中荧光的近40倍,说明三斜结构BiNbO4更适合做稀土离子的基质材料。

关键词: 发光材料, BiNbO4, Eu掺杂, 荧光光谱, 拉曼光谱, 第一性原理, 光响应, 吸收性能

Abstract: Orthorhombic phase α-BiNbO4∶Eu3+ and triclinic phase β-BiNbO4∶Eu3+ were synthesized by solid-state reaction method. Their structure and fluorescence properties were studied by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Raman spectra, absorption spectra and luminescence spectra. Results indicate that pure α-BiNbO4 were successfully synthesized at 900 ℃, while triclinic phase β-BiNbO4 obtained at 1 200 ℃. The band structure of both structure BiNbO4 was studied using the first principle theory and absorption spectra. The optical band gap obtained for α-BiNbO4 and β-BiNbO4 are 2.69 eV and 2.96 eV respectively, in agreement with the theoretical result of 2.640 eV and 3.032 eV. After Eu3+ doping, theirs band gap blue shifts to 2.89 eV and 3.05 eV respectively, which effectively change their optical response range. The main emission peaks are from 5D07F2 transition of Eu3+ for both structural BiNbO4∶Eu, centerted at 615 nm and 611 nm respectively. But the emission intensity of β-BiNbO4∶Eu sample is much higher, and its luminescence intensity ratio between 5D07F2 and 5D07F1 transitions is much higher. For Er3+ doping, upconversion emission is observed for both structures excited at 980 nm. The upconversion emission intensity of β-BiNbO4∶Er sample is almost 40 times higher than that of α-BiNbO4∶Er sample. This results indicate that β-BiNbO4 is more suitable as the host material of rare earth ions doping phosphor.

Key words: luminescence material, BiNbO4, Eu doping, fluorescence spectrum, Raman spectrum, first-principle theory, optical response, absorption property
