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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 18-25.

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Preparation of Nesquehonite Whisker Using Magnesium Sulfate as Material

ZHAO Bin;JIA Zhi-dan;SHAO Duo-duo;CAO Ji-lin   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The nesquehonite whisker was prepared with MgSO4 ·7H2 O and Na2 CO3 as raw materials in this paper. The effect of concentration of magnesium sulfate, raw material ratio, reaction time and temperature on the products was investigated. Samples were analyzed and characterized in this work. The results indicate that the optimum conditions to synthesize the nesquehonite whisker with well crystallization are under 50℃ for 40 min with 1 . 2 mol/L magnesium sulfate and raw material ratio of 1∶1. 2. Under this condition, conversion of magnesium ions can reach 82. 35;. The nesquehonite will transform into basic magnesium carbonate with the increase of reaction time, temperature and concentration of Na2 CO3 . Meanwhile, the condition for preparation of the nesquehonite whisker by bloedite and the process design of mother liquor circulation were studied.

Key words: The nesquehonite whisker was prepared with MgSO4 ·7H2 O and Na2 CO3 as raw materials in this paper. The effect of concentration of magnesium sulfate, raw material ratio, reaction time and temperature on the products was investigated. Samples were analyzed and characterized in this work. The results indicate that the optimum conditions to synthesize the nesquehonite whisker with well crystallization are under 50℃ for 40 min with 1 . 2 mol/L magnesium sulfate and raw material ratio of 1∶1. 2. Under this condition, conversion of magnesium ions can reach 82. 35;. The nesquehonite will transform into basic magnesium carbonate with the increase of reaction time, temperature and concentration of Na2 CO3 . Meanwhile, the condition for preparation of the nesquehonite whisker by bloedite and the process design of mother liquor circulation were studied.

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