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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 33-37.

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Growth of CdSe Crystal by Modified Horizontal Seed Vapor Phase Method

ZHANG Chun-li;WU Hai-xin;NI You-bao;HUANG Chang-bao;WANG Zhen-you;CHEN Shi-jing   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The CdSe single crystal with ?15 mm × 35 mm size was grown by the modified double-temperature zones horizontal vapor phase method with seed aided technique. The grown CdSe single-crystalline ingot is compact and integrated , and its surface is smooth. The obtained CdSe crystal samples were characterized by X-Ray diffractionmeter( XRD) , energy dispersive spectrometer( EDS) , and fourier infrared spectrometer. The XRD spectrum of CdSe is agreement with the standard diffraction peaks. The rocking curves of CdSe single crystal sample possess high intensity and good symmetry,and the full width at half maximum(FWHM) of the rocking curves is 0. 5°. The stoichiometry ratio was tested by EDS to be Cd∶Se=1∶0 . 977 , close to the ideal ratio of 1∶1 . The infrared transmission is beyond 65; in the region from 2. 5 to 20 μm, and the absorption coefficient α is less than 0. 1 cm-1 . The above results show that the as-grown CdSe crystal has good quality.

Key words: The CdSe single crystal with ?15 mm × 35 mm size was grown by the modified double-temperature zones horizontal vapor phase method with seed aided technique. The grown CdSe single-crystalline ingot is compact and integrated , and its surface is smooth. The obtained CdSe crystal samples were characterized by X-Ray diffractionmeter( XRD) , energy dispersive spectrometer( EDS) , and fourier infrared spectrometer. The XRD spectrum of CdSe is agreement with the standard diffraction peaks. The rocking curves of CdSe single crystal sample possess high intensity and good symmetry,and the full width at half maximum(FWHM) of the rocking curves is 0. 5°. The stoichiometry ratio was tested by EDS to be Cd∶Se=1∶0 . 977 , close to the ideal ratio of 1∶1 . The infrared transmission is beyond 65; in the region from 2. 5 to 20 μm, and the absorption coefficient α is less than 0. 1 cm-1 . The above results show that the as-grown CdSe crystal has good quality.

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