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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1936-1940.

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Study on Growth of PCNB Single Crystals by Solution Method

WANG Hai-hui;ZHOU Xin-yuan;ZHOU Heng-wei;HUANG Yi-neng   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Solubility of PCNB was determined in acetone solvent .The PCNB single crystals were successfully grown by constant temperature solvent evaporation method in acetone for the first time .The results show that:there is a smaller temperature coefficient zone below 302 K, which is suitable for the growth of single crystals by constant temperature evaporation method;the PCNB single crystals with centimeter size were obtained;the IR and Raman spectra show that the crystals have not incorporated solvent;XRD analysis indicates that the lattice structure of PCNB crystals is hexagonal and have good quality .

Key words: Solubility of PCNB was determined in acetone solvent .The PCNB single crystals were successfully grown by constant temperature solvent evaporation method in acetone for the first time .The results show that:there is a smaller temperature coefficient zone below 302 K, which is suitable for the growth of single crystals by constant temperature evaporation method;the PCNB single crystals with centimeter size were obtained;the IR and Raman spectra show that the crystals have not incorporated solvent;XRD analysis indicates that the lattice structure of PCNB crystals is hexagonal and have good quality .

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