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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 2119-2124.

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Effect of Magnetic Field Structure on Carbon Concentration in 300 mm Diameter Czochralski Single Crystal Silicon Growth

LI Yan;LI Jin;JING Hua-yu;GAO Ang;GAO Mang-mang   

  • Online:2017-11-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: In this paper,the CGSim crystal growth software was employed to evaluate the effect of various magnetic field structures on carbon impurity in silicon melt.The results show that,the carbon atoms in the atmosphere is preferably diffused into silicon melt from melt free surface closed to the crucible sidewall.By optimizing the parameters of axisymmetric and asymmetric magnetic fields,the melt convection strength beneath melt free surface has been suppressed,resulting in the increase of diffusion layer of carbon atom.In turn,a high quality of single crystal silicon with low carbon concentration has been obtained owing to the lower impurity content of carbon.

Key words: In this paper,the CGSim crystal growth software was employed to evaluate the effect of various magnetic field structures on carbon impurity in silicon melt.The results show that,the carbon atoms in the atmosphere is preferably diffused into silicon melt from melt free surface closed to the crucible sidewall.By optimizing the parameters of axisymmetric and asymmetric magnetic fields,the melt convection strength beneath melt free surface has been suppressed,resulting in the increase of diffusion layer of carbon atom.In turn,a high quality of single crystal silicon with low carbon concentration has been obtained owing to the lower impurity content of carbon.

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