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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 2343-2347.

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Thermodynamic Conditions of the Nucleation and Growth of Si Nanoparticles Prepared by Pulsed Laser Ablation

QIN Ai-li;CHU Li-zhi;DENG Ze-chao;DING Xue-cheng;WANG Ying-long   

  • Online:2017-12-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Monte Carlo method was used to simulate silicon nanoparticles produced by pulsed laser ablation in this paper .Combined with the drag force model , the degree of supersaturation suitable for the nucleation and growth was calculated .The results show that the substrate of the secondary sputter causing the nucleation times increase , which lead to the number of small size grains increase; the range of the supersaturation degree suitable for nucleation and growth is different , when the degree of supersaturation is larger ( >2600 ) the nucleation times is more and the growth times is less; when the degree of supersaturation is smaller (250-2600) the growth times is more and the nucleation times is less .

Key words: Monte Carlo method was used to simulate silicon nanoparticles produced by pulsed laser ablation in this paper .Combined with the drag force model , the degree of supersaturation suitable for the nucleation and growth was calculated .The results show that the substrate of the secondary sputter causing the nucleation times increase , which lead to the number of small size grains increase; the range of the supersaturation degree suitable for nucleation and growth is different , when the degree of supersaturation is larger ( >2600 ) the nucleation times is more and the growth times is less; when the degree of supersaturation is smaller (250-2600) the growth times is more and the nucleation times is less .

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