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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 589-593.

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Effect of Heat Shield Structure on the Power of Kyropoulos Sapphire Single Crystal Furnace

YANG Yi-han;LI Jin;WANG Chang-chun;GAO Mang-mang;KANG Shao-fu   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Sapphire crystal has widely used in the aerospace and other high performance requirements for the excellent comprehensive performance.Kyropoulos method is a main method for producing large diameter sapphire single crystal;the heat shield shows an important influence onthe power of sapphire single crystal furnace.The effect of sapphire single crystal furnace power containing of the zirconia material heat shield in internal and external materials with different proportions is studied in this paper.The design of the most reasonable structure of the thermal field is verified as comparison with the tests results.The results show that: compared to the traditional molybdenum insulation structure of 15-layers, adding zirconia insulation layers will reduce the single crystal furnace energy consumption.However, the built-in oxidation hopper structure presents an obvious effect on the energy consumption of single crystal furnace.With the increase of the number of zirconia layers, the energy consumption of the single crystal furnace is greatly reduced, 15-layer zirconia insulation structure furnace power reduced by 38; compared with the traditional 15-layer molybdenum insulation structure.

Key words: Sapphire crystal has widely used in the aerospace and other high performance requirements for the excellent comprehensive performance.Kyropoulos method is a main method for producing large diameter sapphire single crystal;the heat shield shows an important influence onthe power of sapphire single crystal furnace.The effect of sapphire single crystal furnace power containing of the zirconia material heat shield in internal and external materials with different proportions is studied in this paper.The design of the most reasonable structure of the thermal field is verified as comparison with the tests results.The results show that: compared to the traditional molybdenum insulation structure of 15-layers, adding zirconia insulation layers will reduce the single crystal furnace energy consumption.However, the built-in oxidation hopper structure presents an obvious effect on the energy consumption of single crystal furnace.With the increase of the number of zirconia layers, the energy consumption of the single crystal furnace is greatly reduced, 15-layer zirconia insulation structure furnace power reduced by 38; compared with the traditional 15-layer molybdenum insulation structure.

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