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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1653-1659.

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Growth, Spectral Properties and LD Pumped Laser Performances of Cr,Nd:GSAG Crystal

XU Jin-rui;ZHANG Qing-li;PENG Fang;WANG Xiao-fei;DOU Ren-qin;LUO Jian-qiao;SUN Gui-hua;DING Shou-jun;SUN Dun-lu   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Cr,Nd:GSAG is one type of laser crystal with high performances , but there are few research on its lasing properties by LD pumping .In this work, a Cr,Nd:GSAG crystal was grown by Czochralaki method , its chemical composition , structure and lasing performances were investigated .By measuring the X-ray rocking curve of (111) crystallographic plane of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal, the full at half maximum ( FWHM) of the diffraction peak is 0.055°.Its atomic structural parameters and temperature factors were obtained by Rietveld refinement to X-ray diffraction data .The strongest absorption peak of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal locates at 808.6 nm and the absorption cross section is 3.38 ×10 -20 cm2 .The strongest emission peak of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal under 808 nm excitation locates at 1060 nm and the stimulated emission cross section is 6.04 ×10 -20 cm2 .The fluorescence lifetime of laser upper level 4 F3/2 was measured to be 274 μs.A 1060 nm laser output was achieved by 808 nm LD pumping in the continuous-wave mode .The maximum output power of 0.513 W is obtained with an incident pump power of 8.88 W, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 6.73; and an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 5.78;.Besides, energy transfer mechanism between Cr 3+and Nd3+in Cr,Nd:GSAG crystal was discussed .

Key words: Cr,Nd:GSAG is one type of laser crystal with high performances , but there are few research on its lasing properties by LD pumping .In this work, a Cr,Nd:GSAG crystal was grown by Czochralaki method , its chemical composition , structure and lasing performances were investigated .By measuring the X-ray rocking curve of (111) crystallographic plane of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal, the full at half maximum ( FWHM) of the diffraction peak is 0.055°.Its atomic structural parameters and temperature factors were obtained by Rietveld refinement to X-ray diffraction data .The strongest absorption peak of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal locates at 808.6 nm and the absorption cross section is 3.38 ×10 -20 cm2 .The strongest emission peak of Cr ,Nd:GSAG crystal under 808 nm excitation locates at 1060 nm and the stimulated emission cross section is 6.04 ×10 -20 cm2 .The fluorescence lifetime of laser upper level 4 F3/2 was measured to be 274 μs.A 1060 nm laser output was achieved by 808 nm LD pumping in the continuous-wave mode .The maximum output power of 0.513 W is obtained with an incident pump power of 8.88 W, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 6.73; and an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 5.78;.Besides, energy transfer mechanism between Cr 3+and Nd3+in Cr,Nd:GSAG crystal was discussed .

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