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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 1694-1701.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Synthesized and Luminescent Properties of Li(Na, K)Ba(Sr, Ca)B9O15∶Eu3+ Phosphor

WANG Yuhuan, CHEN Yongjie, ZHANG Wenhua, GENG Xiujuan, YANG Ying   

  1. Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Chemistry and Application of Liaoning Province, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China
  • Received:2021-06-17 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-10-15

Abstract: A series of Eu3+-doped borate-based phosphors were synthesized by high temperature solid-state method in air atmosphere. The crystal phase and luminescence properties of phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence spectroscopy and chromaticity coordinates. Through the mutual substitution between alkali metals and alkaline earth metals in the LiBaB9O15, the effect of the change of the matrix composition on the luminescence properties of phosphors was investigated. In the series of Li(Na, K)Ba(Sr, Ca)B9O15∶0.07Eu3+phosphors, LiSrB9O15∶0.07Eu3+phosphor has the strongest emission intensity. The effects of calcination temperature, holding time and Eu3+ doping concentration on the crystal phase and luminescence properties of LiSrB9O15∶Eu3+ phosphor were investigated. When the calcination temperature is 750 ℃ and holding time is 1~5 h, the crystallinity of all the samples is good. When the Eu3+ doping concentration is 0.52, LiSrB9O15∶Eu3+ phosphor has the strongest luminescence intensity. When x≥0.42(x=0.42, 0.47, 0.52, 0.57), the color coordinates of LiSrB9O15xEu3+ are close to the standard red light (0.67, 0.33). The relative intensity ratio R of the emission peak at 611 nm (5D07F2) and 586 nm (5D07F1) of LiSrB9O15xEu3+(x=0.02~0.57) phosphors were compared. R value is not changed obviously, the majority of Eu3+ in the crystal lattice locates in inversion symmetry center sites. The luminescence properties of the LiSrB9O15∶0.52Eu3+ phosphor and the commercial Y2O3∶Eu3+ phosphor were compared, the luminescence intensity of LiSrB9O15∶0.52Eu3+phosphor is weaker than Y2O3∶Eu3+ phosphor under excitation of 260 nm wavelength, stronger than Y2O3∶Eu3+ phosphor under excitation of 362 nm and 394 nm wavelength.

Key words: borate matrix, high temperature solid-state method, phosphor, luminescence property, Eu3+ doping

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