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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 1702-1708.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Red-Emitting Eu3+-Doped Sr3Y2TeO9 Phosphors

YANG Yin, YANG Weibin, LUO Xin, XIE Lanchi, LIN Hongyi, XIONG Feibing   

  1. School of Optoelectronics and Communication Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China
  • Received:2021-06-17 Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-10-15

Abstract: A series of new red-emitting Sr3Y2-xTeO9xEu3+ phosphors were prepared by high temperature solid-state method, and the phase structure, luminescent performances, decay life and thermal stability of Sr3Y2-xTeO9xEu3+ were studied. The results show that new red-emitting Sr3Y2-xTeO9xEu3+ phosphors can emit intensive red light under near-ultraviolet or blue light excitation, and it demonstrate that the concentration quenching mechanism is attributed to the dipole-dipole interaction between Eu3+ ions. The color coordinates of these phosphors with different Eu3+ concentrations are in the red spectral region. The temperature-dependent luminescences emission spectra reveal that these phosphors show good thermal stability. The optimal doping concentration of Eu3+ is x=0.34 for Sr3Y2-xTeO9xEu3+ phosphor, and its fluorescence decay lifetime is deduced to be 0.619 ms. These overall results show that new red-emitting Sr3Y2-xTeO9xEu3+ is promising phosphor applied in phosphor-converted near UV-excited white light-emitting diodes.

Key words: white LED, Eu3+, tellurate, Sr3Y2-xTeO9, red phosphor, high temperature solid-state method, photoluminescence, optical property

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