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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 804-808.

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Growth and Fluorescence Properties of KSr2I5∶Eu Single Crystals

LI Ming-yang;WEI Qin-hua;QIN Lai-shun;SHI Hong-sheng   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: A ternary alkali metal halide scintillator, potassium strontium iodide, activated with divalent europium (KSr2I5∶ Eu2+) was successfully grown via the Bridgman method in this work.The single crystal machined has sizes up to 15 mm×10 mm×10 mm.The obtained XRD pattern was according with the data in JCPDS 39-1140.The calculated density of KSr2I5∶ Eu was 4.39 g/cm3.Differential scanning calorimetry indicates a congruent melting point of about 470 ℃.The photoluminescence spectrum and the X-ray excited emission spectrum indicate KSr2I5∶ 0.5;Eu single crystal has a single peak at about 445 nm, which dues to the typical 5d→4f transition in Eu2+.In addition, the tested quantum efficiency of KSr2I5∶ 0.5;Eu single crystal was 12.2; with PMTR1306.It is obvious from the above that KSr2I5∶ Eu has potential commercial value as a new scintillation crystal.

Key words: A ternary alkali metal halide scintillator, potassium strontium iodide, activated with divalent europium (KSr2I5∶ Eu2+) was successfully grown via the Bridgman method in this work.The single crystal machined has sizes up to 15 mm×10 mm×10 mm.The obtained XRD pattern was according with the data in JCPDS 39-1140.The calculated density of KSr2I5∶ Eu was 4.39 g/cm3.Differential scanning calorimetry indicates a congruent melting point of about 470 ℃.The photoluminescence spectrum and the X-ray excited emission spectrum indicate KSr2I5∶ 0.5;Eu single crystal has a single peak at about 445 nm, which dues to the typical 5d→4f transition in Eu2+.In addition, the tested quantum efficiency of KSr2I5∶ 0.5;Eu single crystal was 12.2; with PMTR1306.It is obvious from the above that KSr2I5∶ Eu has potential commercial value as a new scintillation crystal.

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