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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 772-777.

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Effect of Various Surfactants on the Crystal Properties of Mesoporous MgO Crystal


  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Effect of various surfactants on the crystalline properties of mesoporous MgO was investigated via liquid phase method with Mg(NO3)2·6H2O as Magnesium source and NH3·H2O as preapitant.crystalline phase, skeletal structure, morphology, pore structure and surface alkalinity of these obtained products were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, BET and CO2-TPD techniques.The results indicate that various surfactants pose significant impact on the physicochemical properties of mesoporous MgO.The base strength and content of the synthesized products from nonionic PEG-2000 are higher than those samples obtained by using anionic SDS and cationic CTAB as the surfactant.The products obtained from nonionic PEG-2000 possessed distinct properties with weak base and medium base, total base amount of 0.192 mmol·g-1, specific surface area of 145.42 m2·g-1, pore volume of 0.67 cm3·g-1 and average pore diameter of 18.56 nm.

Key words: Effect of various surfactants on the crystalline properties of mesoporous MgO was investigated via liquid phase method with Mg(NO3)2·6H2O as Magnesium source and NH3·H2O as preapitant.crystalline phase, skeletal structure, morphology, pore structure and surface alkalinity of these obtained products were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, BET and CO2-TPD techniques.The results indicate that various surfactants pose significant impact on the physicochemical properties of mesoporous MgO.The base strength and content of the synthesized products from nonionic PEG-2000 are higher than those samples obtained by using anionic SDS and cationic CTAB as the surfactant.The products obtained from nonionic PEG-2000 possessed distinct properties with weak base and medium base, total base amount of 0.192 mmol·g-1, specific surface area of 145.42 m2·g-1, pore volume of 0.67 cm3·g-1 and average pore diameter of 18.56 nm.

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