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人工晶体学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 319-328.DOI: 10.16553/j.cnki.issn1000-985x.2024.0263

• 器件制备 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜桐1, 付俊杰1, 王紫石1, 狄静1, 陶春雷1, 张赫之1,2, 张琦2, 胡锡兵2, 梁红伟1   

  1. 1.大连理工大学集成电路学院,大连 116620;
    2.江苏新广联光电股份有限公司,无锡 214192
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-31 发布日期:2025-03-04
  • 通信作者: 张赫之,博士,副教授。E-mail:hez.zhang@dlut.edu.cn;张赫之,大连理工大学集成电路学院副教授。2016年在法国巴黎第十一大学(Université Paris-Sud)获得博士学位,师从法国科学院研究员Maria Tchernycheva。2016年8月,加入瑞士联邦理工大学(EPFL),在Nicolas Grandjean教授研究组从事博士后研究。博士及博后期间长期从事第三代宽禁带半导体器件的研究。研究领域包括:宽禁带/超宽禁带半导体材料与器件(Ⅲ-Nitride、 ZnO、 Ga2O3)、电力电子与光电器件等。与国外多家公司合作,包括美国公司GLO、瑞士公司exalos等。总共发表高水平期刊论文30余篇,其中第一作者8篇,总引用次数800多次。所做工作多次在国际著名会议IWN、CSW等进行报告。张 琦,副总工程师。E-mail:zq@jsxgl.com;张 琦,江苏新广联科技股份有限公司副总工程师,研究院副院长,兼江苏新广联光电股份有限公司董事。获江苏省委宣传部紫金省紫金文化创意优秀青年、省青年文化人才等荣誉称号,无锡市科技进步一等奖、锡山区五一劳动奖章获得者。作为第一发明人,拥有授权发明专利3件。
  • 作者简介:杜 桐(2000—),女,辽宁省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:Dutong@mail.dlut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of High Temperature Current Transport Mechanism of β-Ga2O3 Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Type Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetector

DU Tong1, FU Junjie1, WANG Zishi1, DI Jing1, TAO Chunlei1, ZHANG Hezhi1, 2, ZHANG Qi2, HU Xibing2, LIANG Hongwei1   

  1. 1. School of Integrated Circuits, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116620, China;
    2. Jiangsu XGL Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Jiangsu 214192, China
  • Received:2024-10-31 Published:2025-03-04

摘要: 本文成功制备了β-Ga2O3基金属半导体金属(MSM)型日盲紫外光电探测器。在室温下偏压为5 V时,具有高质量外延的器件的响应度达到469.6 mA/W(对应外量子效率(EQE)为229.2%),光暗电流比为5.26×103。为了研究β-Ga2O3基MSM型日盲紫外光电探测器在高温环境下的潜在应用,对该器件在高温下的电流-电压(I-V)和光响应(I-T)特性进行了测试,分析器件在高温下的载流子输运机制。结果表明:在300~375 K时,器件的暗电流主要由低压下的热离子场发射(TFE)和高压下的普尔-弗兰克发射(PFE)主导,由PFE模型拟合的I-V曲线可知,PFE由导带下的0.200 eV附近的缺陷引起;根据光响应特性拟合结果,得到上升时间拟合活化能为0.280 eV,下降时间拟合活化能为0.036 eV。由分析结果可知,光电流的输运过程如下:光生电子首先被导带下0.200~0.280 eV附近的缺陷能级捕获并通过PFE发射进入到导带产生光电流。光生载流子的复合过程为:光电子更倾向于被导带下的0.036 eV附近的缺陷能级捕获,进而与价带中的光生空穴复合。

关键词: β-Ga2O3, 金属半导体金属, 日盲紫外光电探测器, 热离子场发射, 普尔-弗兰克发射, 缺陷

Abstract: In this work, β-Ga2O3 based metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector was successfully fabricated. At room temperature and a bias voltage of 5 V, the responsivity of the device with high-quality epitaxy is 469.6 mA/W (corresponding to an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 229.2%), and the photocurrent-dark current ratio is 5.26×103. In order to study the potential application of the β-Ga2O3 based MSM type solar-blind ultraviolet detector in high temperature environment, the current-voltage (I-V) and photoresponse (I-T) characteristic of the device at high temperature were tested, and the carrier transport mechanism of the device at high temperature was analyzed. The results indicate that the dark current of the device is mainly dominated by thermionic-field emission (TFE) at low voltage and Poole-Frenkel emission (PFE) at high voltage between 300 and 375 K. The I-V curve fitted by the PFE model shows that PFE is caused by defects near 0.200 eV below the conduction band. According to the fitting results of the photoresponse characteristic, the activation energy fitted by the decay time is 0.280 eV, and activation energy fitted by the rise time is 0.036 eV. According to the analysis results, the transport process of photocurrent is as follows: photogenerated electrons are first captured by defect energy levels near 0.200 eV to 0.280 eV below the conduction band and emitted into the conduction band through PFE to generate photocurrent; the recombination process of photogenerated charge carriers is that photoelectrons tend to be captured by defect energy levels near 0.036 eV below the conduction band, and then recombine with photogenerated holes in the valence band.

Key words: β-Ga2O3, metal-semiconductor-metal, solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector, thermionic-field emission, Poole-Frenkel emission, defect
